Search: Articles

  1. Quinton Marine Plasma - Medical and Nutritional Applications

    This article explains the Quinton Marine Plasma QMP), its medical and nutritional applications and why it could be considered the ideal nutritional treatment and supplement capable...more

  2. QXCI Bioresonance Therapy

    There are 'subtle-energy fields' within and around the body, as described by Dr Richard Gerber MD in his book Vibrational Medicine[1], which play an integral part in the total func...more

  3. R-E-S-P-E-C-T - Strategies for Defusing Anger

    Deeper inside your brain resides the limbic system. This more ancient portion of the brain, the product of millions of years of evolution, directs our impulses and emotions, and hou...more

  4. Radiometric Thermal Diagnostics and Dielectric Resonance Management Techniques

    We emit electromagnetic waves, which are undetectable by ourselves, conventional photography or video. It takes very sophisticated and finely calibrated radiometric apparatus to de...more

  5. Radionics in the IT Era

    Major Smith is the founder of the Maperton Trust and the Radionics and Radiesthesia Trust. Radionics, a diagnostic system using energy, was developed in the 1920s by Dr Albert Abra...more

  6. Radionics, The Aura and the Development of Pimat: The Energy Regenerator

    Radionics is a method of distance healing, using specially designed instruments and the ESP factor, known as ‘the radiesthetic faculty’. As a science, it is concerned with the ‘ene...more

  7. Raining Cats and Dogs - How Pets can Improve your Mental Health

    As a society we are pretty confused about mental health. For a long time it was mostly neglected because it was intangible and internal.more

  8. Raising a Vegan Adolescent

    When children hit the teenage phase in their lives, parents and carers often report a host of changes. These could include a change in personal hygiene, temperament and most distres...more

  9. Rasayana: The Ayurvedic Path to Rejuvenation

    This column focuses on the ancient science of rejuvenation known as Rasayana, one of the eight branches of Ayurveda. There are many Rasayana herbs and foods, but for them to achie...more

  10. Rationale for Mushroom Nutrition Supplementation in Neurodegenerative Conditions*

    The effects of edible mushrooms is an area of increasing interest associated with health benefits in a number of pathologies, mostly associated with oxidative stress and free-radica...more

  11. Raw Food Diet for Health

    Before I realised the actual importance of raw vegetable food, my attitude was exactly the same as that of other doctors – to treat the symptoms of the disease without thinking...more

  12. Raw Food to Feel Healthier, Happier and More Vibrant

    The author, ‘a passionate health-seeker’, writes an exposition of the advantages of a raw food diet. We are closely related to primates who live healthily on raw food; uncooked foo...more

  13. Raw Food, Longevity and Weight Loss

    This article focuses on the benefits of raw food diet, which according to the author can prolong one’s life and also help with weight loss. Raw food diet also offers freedom from a...more

  14. Raw Fooders

    ‘Raw fooders’ believe that humans are naturally and biologically raw plant eaters, as expounded by experts on raw food nutrition such as David Wolfe and Edward Howell.more

  15. Raw Foodism

    Most people live on an omnivorous diet - that is, anything that it is possible to chew up and swallow and live long enough to tell about it, they will eat. But for one reason or ...more

  16. Raw Foods

    There have been many advocates of raw food diets dating back from the Essenes, a monastic sect at the time of Christ to Dr Max Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute, and Leslie...more

  17. Re-integrate Patterns of Overwhelm, Trauma and Emotional Holding

    Following on from my last article Trauma, Emotion and Energy, I want to explore how to assist a client to feel resourced in order to facilitate the emergence and re-integration of p...more

  18. Reading and Misreading the Body

    Therapists, whether they focus on the physical mental or spiritual can only be readily certain about the physical aspects of their clients; the body never lies.more

  19. Reading and Misreading the Body (part 2)

    In my previous column I suggested there are too many pitfalls (at least for me) to make informed judgements about a client's psychological condition or spiritual state from their p...more

  20. Reading the Body’s Energy Field for Back Pain: Your Built-in Scanner You Hardly Use

    I've only realized in recent years that I've spent the past 30 years as an alternative practitioner working with one hand tied behind my back! I'm talking about the ability of the ...more

  21. Real Food For Real Health and How ‘Stress’ Affects Both

    Some people consider real food to be the best quality produce that can be bought from a supermarket, small food outlet / local farm, grown organically, grown in the garden or even ...more

  22. Realaxation® - Method Created by Leon Eeman, Revisited

    We often hear people saying “Just relax!” Quite right! Of course you know that you should relax, but has anyone ever told you how to do so, or even why? Probably not!more

  23. Reaping the Bounties of Autumn

    In this Expert Column the author offers some comforting solutions from garden blooms of fruits and herbs to please the senses as the days get shorter and cooler. She says those wit...more

  24. Rebalancing: The Art of Transforming a Successful Yoga Instructor's Life and Career

    Rachel Krentzman, had a thriving Yoga and Physical Therapy practice in a light filled studio located in the lovely Bird Rock section of La Jolla California. Rachel had met every go...more

  25. Rebirthing

    Rebirthing is a healing process that engages with the mind, the body and the spirit to cleanse away toxic patterns of being and facilitate new, healthy and fulfilling goals and cho...more

  26. Rebirthing/Self Transformational Breathing

    Rebirthing is a powerful therapy that creates a deep sense of renewal within us by allowing us get in touch with our inner child through breath work. The technique involves concent...more

  27. Recipes For Health And Beauty Using Essential Oils

    Edited extract from The Aromatherapy Kitchen by Nicola Jenkins. This feature shows you how to make a wide selection of stimulating and soothing products for cleansing, toning and m...more

  28. Recognizing Ageing as a Disease

    Imagine a world where no one aged by default, except for in rare instances. Standing out in a crowd of the eternally young and healthy is an unfortunate soul; shuffling along with a...more

  29. Recognizing Thinking Styles: George Soros 'Big Pic'

    Recognizing someone’s successful thinking style allows you to take that person’s habitual thinking patterns and make them your own. If you are stuck, or need bigger or better solut...more

  30. Reconnecting with the Earth's Healing Heart-Beat

    Take off your shoes and dance barefoot on the earth. Recent studies show that doing this for as little as 30 minutes a day can radically improve your health. Look at these two ima...more

  31. Reconnecting with the Pelvis. Advice from the Ancestors

    I believe that a paradigm shift to an holistic world view is taking place. This may be hard to reconcile with the actions to contain SARS Co-V-2 that seems to reprise the battle aga...more

  32. Recovery from a Broken Neck

    This is a story of profound healing. I left home on a bright, sunny, summer's day to return home two weeks later. In that time I had been paralysed, injured, shocked, traumatized, ...more

  33. Recovery from a Broken Neck - Update

    This article is an update of Marie's account of a car accident in which she broke her neck and spinal cord. Her story was published in Positive Health in 2000 with the title "'Reco...more

  34. Recovery from Arthritis with the Margaret Hills' Diet

    The author describes her suffering as she began to have symptoms of arthritis – swollen and painful joints –  following a winter of frequent bouts of bronchitis. Gout was diagnosed...more

  35. Recovery from CFS / ME

    The author begins with an overview of the rushed pace of life she used to lead - running her own business, involved in Green politics and studying for a Masters Degree. "It was all...more

  36. Recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

    The author describes a ‘devastating’ illness, which began with recurrent ear infections, vertigo, and pain in her jaw. She began to have eye problems, then severe pains running fro...more

  37. Recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Fibromyalgia

    The following data demonstrates how patient, Hannah Gay, eliminated almost 100% of her symptoms associated with ME/CFS with only 7 months of treatment. Hannah was lucky that she dis...more

  38. Recovery from Colon Cancer - Diet, Herbs, Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration

    Teresa Tsalaky looks at the story of David Walker, who recovered from colon cancer having been told that he only had three to five years to live. Walker began chemotherapy but suff...more

  39. Recovery from Fibromyalgia; CFS, Fibromyalgia & Arthritis Patient Update

    For the last 13 months, I have been a patient of Dr Amir. I have a retrognathic jaw, which he has been working to improve. I contacted him because I thought he could help me with my...more

  40. Recovery from ME, Fibromyalgia and Depression with the Lightning Process

    The author describes her descent into despair as a result of all the losses incurred as her ME/Fibromyalgia relapses meant leaving work, diminishing finances, strain on her marriage...more

  41. Rediscovering Your Own Unique Reality

    In this article, Regan Duggan shows us how to put aside the worldview created for us by the experiences of our parents, teachers, partners, etc., and recreate our own unique realit...more

  42. Reflection from the Soul... Only A Visitor

    Let me ask you a question ... If you go on vacation to a small exotic island, reclining in a deck chair, on a crystalline white beach, would you be feeling contended and happy. Sill...more

  43. Reflections on Meditation - Personal Thoughts on an Enigmatic Subject

    Over the course of the last fifty years or so the term ‘meditation’ has come to mean two distinct things. On the one hand there is the traditional concept of meditation being an exe...more

  44. Reflective Practice - A Magic Mirror on Life

    This article was inspired by a fortune cookie of all things, in which it said, “reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting”. Now I have always been a huge advocate ...more

  45. Reflex Reactions - Our Body's Rapid Defence Mechanism

    This article draws our attention away from consideration of such things as immune system functioning, genetics, nutrition, and the effects of stress, inviting us to think about the...more

  46. Reflexology - A Second Look

    This second look at reflexology follows the article in issue 9 of Positive Health and aims to enlarge upon the theory and practical application of reflexology.more

  47. Reflexology - Caring for Older People

    Reflexology is suitable for older people, as it helps circulation, normalizes bodily functions and can aid detoxification. It is easily accessible, as only the shoes need to be rem...more

  48. Reflexology and Breathing Techniques for Respiratory Issues

    During the winter months many people will succumb to coughs and colds and, although the initial acute symptoms may disappear quite quickly, a person can be left with a residual tic...more

  49. Reflexology and Mental Illness

    Awareness of mental health issues has increased greatly over the recent years, which means that those suffering in silence have an increasing support system, gradually reducing the ...more

  50. Reflexology and Shoulder Issues

    Shoulder problems are some of the most common conditions that people present to complementary practitioners and medical doctors. Many people complain of muscular tightness around th...more

  51. Reflexology and Trauma

    Using case examples, Mary Martin illustrates how reflexology can assist in post-operative care by speeding up recovery, healing scar tissue and alleviating long-standing post-opera...more

  52. Reflexology Around the World

    An expert's roundup of international reflexology practices, by the chairperson of the Reflexologists Society and president of the International Council of Reflexologists.more

  53. Reflexology as a Diagnostic Tool

    According to the author, who also helped found the Association of Reflexologists in 1984, many patients consult her because other methods of treatment have proved unsatisfactory....more

  54. Reflexology can Help Sleep Issues

    Reflexology has always been considered to be a particularly relaxing and pleasant therapy as well as being very therapeutic in supporting specific conditions. Many reflexologists of...more

  55. Reflexology for a stress-free Christmas

    Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive therapy, deeply relaxing and restoring and a great way to reduce stress and tension.more

  56. Reflexology for Children and Babies

    Many parents seek out complementary therapies to help their children when they suffer minor ailments; reflexology is particularly helpful, as it is gentle and non-invasive as only t...more

  57. Reflexology for skin disorders

    The skin problems that a reflexologist may come into contact with include: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, urticaria, seborrhoea, shingles, erythema and ringworm.more

  58. Reflexology for Stroke

    Stroke is a major cause of disability and death in the UK, and this article describes the positive role that reflexology treatment can play in the recovery process. Qualified refle...more

  59. Reflexology from the Grassroots Up

    Candice Caradoc describes the career of established reflexologist Lynn Hatswell who from small beginnings became involved in developing the practice of reflexology in Australia and...more

  60. Reflexology Practice - Moving into the New Millennium

    This article looks at the history and practice of Reflexology over the past two decades. In recent years, reflexology has come to be recognized more as a 'complementary' rather tha...more

  61. Reflexology reaches out to Bosnia

    Adrian Seager is a busy reflexologist and trainer who made three visits to Sarajevo in 1998 to assist in the training and qualification of a group of physiotherapists in reflexol...more

  62. Reflexology to Help Stress and Anxiety

    Reflexology can work very specifically to help the body heal itself and clients will often seek a reflexologist for help with common ailments such musculo-skeletal pain, insomnia, h...more

  63. Reflexology, Fertility and IVF

    Recently there has been much negative press over IVF. This is such a shame because for some people it will be the only way they can achieve pregnancy. So much as I am always incline...more

  64. Reflexology: Helping to Alleviate Migraines and Headaches

    The author lists possible precipitating factors for headaches, and more specifically migraines, and explain that hand reflexology can be used to address the various areas relating ...more

  65. Reflexology: the Feet are an Underestimated Part of the Body

    This article examines an extraordinary technique, very similar to reflexology, that brought fame and fortune to a Canadian physician in the 1930s, and also highlights areas in ther...more

  66. Reflexology: What Is Its True Potential?

    Reflexology is a powerful therapy that can have far-reaching effects on health and well-being. Introduced to the UK in the early 1960s, it should by now have earned a place alongsi...more

  67. Reflexology: Working Corresponding Limbs to Ease Cramp, Restless Legs and Painful Elbow

    The therapy of Reflexology has mapped areas of sensitivity on the feet which are connected to all parts of the bodymore

  68. Reflexology's Supporting Role for Complex Combat Injuries

    When complementary therapist Zoe Warner’s husband was injured in a roadside explosion and later medically discharged, she used complementary therapies including reflexology alongsid...more

  69. Reflexology’s Role in Cancer Care and Support

    Almost everyone knows someone who has developed cancer; reflexology is a gentle, supporting, non-invasive complementary therapy that is used widely to support people who are living ...more

  70. Refractory Multiple Myeloma – New FDA Approved Treatment 2022

    Multiple myeloma is one of the rarest cancers. In 2022, an estimated 34,470 cases of multiple myeloma were recorded in the United States. The death toll went up to 12,640 in the Uni...more

  71. Reframing AlphaGo - When Failure is not an Option!

    The belief that ‘failure is not an option’ is often used to spur people on to greater achievement; but it can also destroy them. Perfectionist traits can stir dysfunctional unhealth...more

  72. Regenerate and Revitalise

    Summer is a wonderful time of the year when nature flourishes and life seems brighter, more colourful, and full of vitality. A newness evolves and we naturally focus on our surroun...more

  73. Regenerative Homeopathy© To Whole Health Satisfaction

    By showing facts of recoveries from a variety of health concerns is the only way to bring hope to lives of millions viewers and update the experts, and crystallize the sceptic mind ...more

  74. Regrowing Frog Limbs: What Does This Mean For Humankind?

    Did you know that salamanders are able to regrow limbs? They can do so thanks to blastema cells, which allow for the almost instant mass formation of stem cells. It’s a relatively u...more

  75. Regulation of Group 2 Complementary Therapies

    Carol Preen tackles the regulation of three Group 2 therapies which she practises, Aromatherapy, Massage and Reflexology, and how they will affect the business of these therapists....more

  76. Reiki - Hands-on Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit

    The author's involvement with Reiki began eight years ago while she was having a cut and blow dry and her hairdresser said she'd just had one of the best weekends of her life. Lear...more

  77. Reiki - Healing and Harmony Through the Hands

    The author is a Reiki Master-teacher, healer, lecturer, author and seminar leader, who found that Reiki healing provided the answers to her long journey of self-exploration.more

  78. Reiki - Healing Tool

    A full Reiki treatment covers all the major organs, endocrine system, acupuncture meridians and chakra energy centres, and it can be used very effectively on a self-treatment bas...more

  79. Reiki - Personal Journeys in Healing

    Today, there are probably more than a million people around the world who have Reiki. Perhaps you are wondering, as many people are at the moment, if you would benefit from havin...more

  80. Reiki - The Gentle Healer

    Roslyn Aston is a practising homeopath. In a road accident her right leg was severely crushed and had to be amputated above the knee. After the surgery she experienced phantom pa...more

  81. Reiki as a Clinical Therapy

    The authors of this article are both trained reiki practitioners and they talk about Active Reiki - the form of Reiki that was developed by Mikao Usui. Active Reiki allows practiti...more

  82. Reiki Attunements - A Personal Journey

    Stanley Giles, a nurse for 25 years, is also a Kinesiologist and Touch for Health Instructor, and a founder member of the Scottish Holistic Health Association, which teaches nurs...more

  83. Reiki Belongs in Hospitals

    One of the wonderful things with Reiki is that whilst you are giving it, you are also receiving it yourself, which means that in emergency situations, it is enabling you to stay ca...more

  84. Reiki Reflexology for Mental Health Conditions

    The author, a complementary therapist at a mental health drop-in charity, based in Feltham, focuses on the value of combining Reiki and Reflexology for Mental Health Conditions. Fo...more

  85. Reiki Today

    In the west, Reiki developed as a healing practice, in which the practitioner intention must be towards the well-being of the client. In the absence of contact with Japan, many heal...more

  86. Reiki Training

    The technique is an ancient Japanese hands-on, hands-off method of healing that can be learnt by anyone. It is simple, powerful, harmless and complements other complementary therap...more

  87. Reiki: A tool for personal and global transformation

    The story of Dr Usui's rediscovery of the ancient hands-on healing system has now become familiar knowledge and its successes in the physical domain are well documented. It is prov...more

  88. Relationship between Anxiety, Mental Health, and Quality of Sleep

    Anxiety comes in many forms, from the general worry that comes from everyday life to the intense fear caused by major psychiatric disorders. As debilitating as anxiety can be to our...more

  89. Release the Animal in Your Soul or How to Lose Your Anxiety

    The problem with anxiety is that it’s part of us. That might sound too obvious to be worth saying, but look again… it’s part of us, not part of what is actually out there in the out...more

  90. Release Your Creativity

    Living your creative dream need not be wishful thinking. It is simply a matter of following a few simple steps that will open the doors of possibility wider than you could ever ima...more

  91. Releasing Trauma Through Bodywork The Power of Awareness

    In Polarity Therapy we recognize that the harmonious flow of energy within and around the body is the essential prerequisite for health. For Polarity Therapists, the safe release o...more

  92. Reliable Testing for Candida Overgrowth

    Candida is a type of yeast that if found in large quantities in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to a combination of symptoms including fatigue, brain fog, bloating constipation...more

  93. Relief from Chronic Illness

    In this column, the author provides cases studies on the effects of reflexology on certain chronic illnesses, and adds that where illness cannot be reversed, patients still exper...more

  94. Relief from Migraine

    In this article on Reflexology and its positive effect on Migraines, the author says migraine affects about 10% of the UK population, and that there are two types: common migraine ...more

  95. Remarkable Recoveries - Individual Potential for Healing

    Dr Blasi considers the significance of double-blind randomized control trials (RCT) and the way they provide an empirical basis for testing pharmacological, surgical, psychotherape...more

  96. Remembering Dr Rolf

    May 1996 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr Ida P Rolf, one of the leading contributors to body therapy in the 20th century, who was born in May 1896. Although Dr Rolf ...more

  97. Remission from Breast Cancer: Diet, Mistletoe, Carctol and Park Attwood

    In this column the author shares her experience with Breast Cancer and treatment with mistletoe therapy at the Park Atwood Clinic.more

  98. Remission in a Case of Rectal Cancer Treated with Herbal Medicines

    This article discusses a case study diagnosed with rectal cancer who refused conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy on recurrence of the tumour and opted for alternative therap...more

  99. Reproductive Reflexology

    Infertility, sub-fertility and delayed conception are increasingly common issues experienced by approximately 1 in 6 couples in the UK. And this statistic appears to be replicated ...more

  100. Reprogramming your Mind for the Resolution of Chronic Pain and Debilitating Conditions

    Have you ever wondered if you have supernatural powers? The first time many of us considered the possibility of having supernatural powers was probably when we were children, playi...more

  101. Requirements for Proper Absorption

    Although the gastro-intestinal tract is not the only way that materials have of entering our body, it is the most usual and direct route for our nutritional requirements to be sati...more

  102. Research - the Key to Developing Good Practice


  103. Research and Reflexology

    I studied for my reflexology diploma nearly 25 years and in those days I spent a lot of time explaining to people what reflexology actually was. There were few articles about it and...more

  104. Research Proposal: Cancer Patients’ Survival: Comparing Integrated Alternative Therapies and Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy Treatment

    I recently re-discovered on my hard drive the Consensus Statement document - attached - published in 1994 of which I was the lead author - Nutrition and Life-Style Guidelines for Pe...more

  105. Research Shines Light on Blackcurrants for their ‘Unprecedented’ Fat Burning Properties

    The ‘super’ nutritional benefits of berries are nothing new, however there’s one area of berry-specific interest that is gaining scientific momentum for it potential in athletes, t...more

  106. Research Shows Modern Humans’ Brain Size has Shrunk by 20%

    Both brain size and IQ are falling in modern humans, coinciding with a big increase in mental illness. What we eat is to blame, says Professor Michael Crawford, author of his latest...more

  107. Research Study Arthritis and Homoeopathy

    Dr Michel van Wassenhoven recently published (British Homoeopathic Journal 85: 198-204, Oct 1996) the details of a retrospective study of rheumatological patients from his private ...more

  108. Research: Ginger Selectively Kills Breast Cancer Cells

    New research published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology found that "ginger may be a promising candidate for the treatment of breast carcinomas."[i] This is a timely...more

  109. Research: Light Treatment and Biorhythm

    This review summarizes some of the landmark developments presented at the 2006 Conference of The Society for Light Treatment and Biorhythm Research held in Quebec in July 2006.more

  110. Researching Cancer on the World Wide Web

    If you have access to a computer and the WWW then you have the ability to find a seemingly endless number of web sites that offer advice and information about all forms of cancer. ...more

  111. Resolutions, Anxiety, and You

    New Year’s resolutions, the yearly event that sends us all into the gym on January and causes us to abandon it by February, may be changing. We at conducted a s...more

  112. Resolving Colds to Advanced COVID with Methylene Blue

    Linus Pauling first coined the word "orthomolecular" in an article he wrote in the journal Science in 1968. Quite simply, ortho means correct or right, and molecular refers to the s...more

  113. Resolving Depression with Emotional Freedom Techniques

    The Emotional Freedom Technique, evolved from Acupuncture, Kinesiology and Clinical Psychology, involves tapping particular points while the client is experiencing feeling attached...more

  114. Respectable Energy

    This week I attended a post-graduation party at the University of Westminster. Candidates from the first intake of the MA in Therapeutic Bodywork had, with all due ceremony, receiv...more

  115. Respecting Symptoms

    I suppose all complementary health care disciplines and systems agree that the body/mind complex is self-healing. That given the opportunity the self-regulating mechanisms will a...more

  116. Response-Ability

    Depression is what happens when we have sad experiences (genuine, or as in watching a film, in imagination) and do not let the sadness be experienced. Anti-depressants will suppres...more

  117. Restoration to Health after Mercury Poisoning from Amalgam Poisoning

    This article by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black continues from Mercury Poisoning in issue 8, where an amalgam removal protocol was outlined.more

  118. Retrospective Study Comparing Surgery for Scoliosis against the Non-Surgical ASMI Treatment

    The aim of this study was to investigate what the impact of surgery for scoliosis on the reduction of the curve is compared to the non-Surgical ASMI treatment (ASMI – Advanced Spina...more

  119. Return to Wellness: Traumatic Consequences of Inadequate Self-Care

    This article is a very frank and open account of how a therapist and healer took her own health and well-being too much for granted. She tells the reader how she over-worked and ov...more

  120. Reverie

    Reverie is a short, consciously guided daydream. Day-dreams, like the dreams of sleep, give us a taste of the meditative experience. They feel quite real, and we can think, sense...more

  121. Reversing Diabetes - A Hypothesis!

    In this provocative article the author discusses Diabetes and adds that statistics in 2004 in the UK reveal that 1.8 million people have been diagnosed and are suffering from this ...more

  122. Reviving Head Carrying

    If you have never put anything on your head apart from the occasional hat, hood, helmet, cap, headscarf, headphone or even beret, you haven't lived yet. Carrying any weight on your...more

  123. Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Relationship to Gastric Illnesses

    "Drugs - when taken as prescribed - kill more than 106,000 Americans each year and the death toll from overdosing on painkillers is now greater than both car accidents and death fr...more

  124. Rheumatoid Arthritis: 4 Alternative Treatments (Evidence-Based)

    Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic degenerative disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the joints. This creates inflammation which not only affects joints, but tendon...more

  125. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Case Study

    it is hard to believe that only a short while ago Mrs Jaye Rambaran was crippled with rheumatoid arthritis and faced with the prospect of a wheel chair in order to achieve any sor...more

  126. Rhythm in Movement and its Potential Role in Rehabilitation

    In everyday life, what is it that you witness each time you observe people move? You may see the external actions of running, jumping, hopping, waving and nodding. What you do not s...more

  127. Rhythm Mobility

    Darien Pritchard has been practising massage for 25 years, and describes how he developed the Rhythm-Mobility technique, having noticed how clients' often resist massage and are un...more

  128. Riding The Cosmic Unicycle – Staying In The Saddle During Times of Great Change

    I hope that this short article will show you how to empower yourself, ground and relax yourself and come back down-to-earth. During my career I have found that most people are ‘fre...more

  129. Rise in Private Healthcare, in Part Driven by Covid

    After 19 months of stress, uncertainty and seemingly endless restrictions, the world is gradually opening up again. Lockdown rules, such as caps on indoor gatherings and mandatory m...more

  130. Road Rage, Hate and Disconnection

    The author, a psychotherapist and victim of road rage, analyses the reasons for hate in many forms, on the road, between races, religions and cultures, its variations from country ...more

  131. Roadmap to Happiness - Ten Happy Habits

    We all have the ability to be happy; if we don't feel it then we need to get into the happy habit. It may not be possible to be happy all the time; however if we take a more positiv...more

  132. Role of Meditation in Stress Control

    Human mind moves with fastest speed, thinking about one or the other thing all the time except when one is in sound sleep. During the course of his dialogue with Arjuna, Lord Krishn...more

  133. Rolfing: Transformative Method of Structural Integration

    This article focuses on Rolfing, originally named Postural Integration and later Structural Integration, a comprehensive system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation which rel...more

  134. Root Canal - Roots of Disease!

    The use of dental amalgams brought dentistry out of the Barbers shop to the highly technical discipline it is today. We are now investigating and recognising the effects that the m...more

  135. Root Cause Healing - A New Healing Paradigm

    The article looks into Root Cause Healing, a therapy that helps to unlock the subconscious mind where limiting beliefs and experiences, including our past pain from our womb to the...more

  136. Rosa Mosqueta Seed Oil from Chile - Gift from Mother Nature

    Women around the world want smooth, young looking, velvety, silky soft, glowing wrinkle-free skin and Mother Nature is providing them a wonderful rosehip seed oil, called Rosa Mosqu...more

  137. Rosemary for Remembrance

    Enlivening your cuisine with the distinctive flavour of rosemary, which not only scintillates the taste buds but also provides a wealth of medicinal benefits to nurture the body and...more

  138. Round Versus Square Shoulders

    "Pull back your shoulders!" This must be the most common and popular piece of postural advice ever given. This must also be one of the most misguided.more

  139. Royal Jelly Healing Formulation – Adaptogenic, Anti-Ageing, Immune and Energy Enhancing Properties

    Back in the early 18th century there was an Indian legend doing the rounds of Puerto Rico that a magical Fountain of Youth existed somewhere in the environs, whose curative powers w...more

  140. Rugby Players, Homeopathy and a Painful Coccyx

    This article focuses on homeopathic treatment for a painful coccyx sustained by a fall on concrete steps.more

  141. Runes and Rainbows: Runes, Chakras and Universal Energies

    Runes and Rainbows is the integrated method of reading the runes, chakras and universal energies I have developed.more

  142. Running Coaching and Injury Prevention

    Running is a widely participated in activity and is accessible for any age group and level of fitness. Because of its accessibility it is practiced by a wide spectrum of people, fro...more

  143. Rusty Nail or Hypodermic Needle - Prick and Choose

    In the bacterial world, the Clostridium family is a very large one comprising about a hundred species but only Clostridium tetani (Nicolaier’s bacillus) can cause tetanus, although ...more

  144. Ruth White - Iyengar Yoga Teacher

    Back in the Seventies, freelance photographer Ruth White was suffering from a lot of back pain. Years of bad posture and carrying heavy photographic equipment had taken their toll ...more

  145. Sacred Sound Therapy for Healing, Spiritual Growth and Meditation

    Rachel Kelly looks at sound and the way that sounds can alter our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, both positively and negatively. She provides practical ways to m...more

  146. Sacred Sound/Healing: Interview with Jonathan Goldman

    Homeopathy, light therapy and colour therapy, all seek to restore balance to the systems of the human body. People can begin to understand that sound is an energy form and that it ...more

  147. Safe as Houses?

    The history of Geopathic Stress is a long one. The unhealthy spirals which dowsers detect above subterranean water have probably always been with us and the energy leys are believe...more

  148. Safeguarding Children's Eye Health

    Analysis of data by Optical Express shows six is the mean age for diagnosing conditions like lazy eye and colour deficiency in children, but it is essential that parents start to ge...more

  149. Saffron - A Natural and Effective Treatment for Depression

    New research in the field of food science (Nutriceutical), has potentially opened up a natural way to help us manage some of the most debilitating conditions of this century - anxi...more

  150. Sai Shakti Healing - An Interview with Dr. Nityaananda

    Dr Clint Thomson MD known as Nityaananda, is an alternative healer. He got his undergraduate degree at Michigan State University in 1983; and then his MD from the Texas Medical Cen...more

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